The colder months are here, and it's time to prepare for winter. If you're like me, this means planning a healthy routine that will help me stay warm and healthy throughout the colder months. I've found that Ayurvedic principles can be applied to just about any situation in life—and they're especially helpful when it comes to staying healthy during the winter months. In this article, I'll share my winter healing routine with you so that you can start yours off right!
Sleep early and rise before the sun.
Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. If you can't get to bed early, try to wake up before the sun rises. This will help you feel rested and alert during the day.
If possible, try to keep your bedroom dark and quiet so that it feels like nighttime when you're sleeping. You'll be more likely to fall asleep quickly if your room is dark while it's still light outside (or close enough). Also, avoid using screens in bed—they tend not only to keep us awake but also give off blue light which disrupts our circadian rhythms and makes it hard for us to fall asleep early enough!
Do self-massage or abhyanga with sesame oil or a massage blend for your dosha before bathing.
When it comes to the treatment of winter ailments and pains, self-massage is an important part of the equation. It helps strengthen your body in preparation for the cold months ahead. Start by rubbing some sesame or almond oil into your hands and then gently massage them over your entire body, paying special attention to any areas that are sore or tender due to arthritis or other health issues.
Afterwards, spend some time lying down with your feet elevated on a pillow while you relax with an abhyanga treatment: an Ayurvedic cleansing ritual that incorporates hot water into specific parts of your body (usually performed on both feet). This can help reduce joint pain caused by cold weather conditions but also relieve headaches caused by stress at work or home life pressures!
Take a warm bath or shower.
Take a warm bath or shower, to relax the body and calm your mind.
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water while you bathe or shower. Eucalyptus oil is known for its ability to ease congestion and help relieve respiratory issues, such as bronchitis or asthma. You can also add lavender essential oil if you have an allergy or sensitivity to fragrances in general.
Use a soothing blend of essential oils in your bath or shower like lavender, Roman chamomile (neroli), tea tree essential oil and ylang-ylang. You can purchase these individual ingredients at any drugstore along with other skin care products such as shampoo/conditioner so they don't have too high of an alcohol content which could irritate sensitive skin!
Do yoga, light exercise, or walk in the morning.
- Exercise in the morning can help you wake up.
- Exercising boosts metabolism and energy levels, which means that you'll feel more alert throughout the day.
- Because of its calming effect, exercise may also help relieve stress and anxiety.
- Sleep is important for good health—and so is exercise! The positive effects of regular exercise on sleep include better quality restorative sleep, increased REM sleep duration (which has been linked to improved memory), lower risk of obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), less daytime fatigue, and improved moods.* Exercise also helps regulate blood sugar levels through increased production of insulin after meals while decreasing appetite due to its calming effect on both body temperature regulation & metabolism rate."
Drink warm water between meals and throughout the day to flush the system of toxins.
Drinking warm water between meals and throughout the day is a great way to flush toxins out of your system. Warm water can help digestion, which is especially important during winter months when you might be sitting in front of a computer screen all day long. It's also soothing and calming, which can help with arthritis pain or insomnia caused by cold temperatures outside. And if you struggle with cellulite, drinking warm lemon water might be just what your body needs—it has been proven to reduce cellulite by up to 40%!
Kitchari: Eat warm, cooked foods in winter to prevent colds and flu.
Kitchari is a warm, cooked dish made of rice and lentils. It's a good source of protein and carbohydrates, which are essential for maintaining energy levels. Kitchari also helps to nourish the body by providing it with vital vitamins and minerals. Eating kitchari regularly can help prevent colds or other illnesses because it has anti-inflammatory properties that keep your immune system strong.
- Warmth: Eating warm food in winter will help you avoid getting sick by increasing your body temperature naturally by up to 2 degrees Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit). This increase in body temperature helps prevent infections such as flu viruses from spreading throughout your system.*
- Balance: Eating healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains provides balanced nutrition that helps balance Agni (digestive fire), which regulates our metabolism.*
- Nourishment: Each grain in this recipe contains all nine essential amino acids needed for optimal health so you'll feel nourished after eating them!
Avoid cold, raw foods, iced drinks, and frozen desserts.
The cold season is a great time to start incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine. Because it's cold outside, you may find yourself wanting to stay inside as much as possible, especially if it's snowing or freezing rain outside.
To help keep yourself warm and healthy during these months, make sure to follow these recommendations:
- Avoid raw foods and iced drinks—they can make you feel sick!
- Avoid frozen desserts—they contain more sugar than regular desserts and can cause weight gain if eaten in excess.
Make a detox bath with Epsom salts before bed.
You can detox your body by making a bath with Epsom salts. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, which is used to treat rheumatism and osteoporosis.
Magnesium sulfate is also in the form of magnesium chloride, so if you have a bathtub available, this will be easier for you to use than buying loose crystals from the store.
Epsom salts aren't just good for removing toxins—they're also good at helping you sleep better! The magnesium in these baths will help relax muscles throughout your body as well as help calm down any anxious thoughts that might be running through your mind before bedtime.
This can help make it easier for you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than usual without worrying about having nightmares or waking up early because of some kind of anxiety attack during REM cycles (REM stands for rapid eye movement; when we dream).
An Ayurvedic Winter Healing Routine is a great way to stay healthy in the colder months.
The Ayurvedic healing routine is a great way to stay healthy in the colder months. It's also a great way to get back on track after you've had some time off from work or school. If you're looking for an effective, natural way to boost your energy levels and increase overall wellness, this is definitely something worth considering!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our Ayurvedic winter healing routine. We know it can be a challenge to stay healthy in the colder months, but with these tips, we’re confident that you can keep your body and mind healthy all year long. Remember: if you want to learn more about Ayurveda or want help with your own personal wellness journey, feel free to reach out!
Over centuries, the practice of Ayurvedic wellness has proven to result in a more rejuvenated body, mind and spirit, thus nurturing mindfulness and stronger immunity.
Heal with us at Kansa Organics!
Live a mindful life, and live holistically.
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This blog is written by Nadjerah Barua