The Kansa wand has become one of the most sought-after tools by professionals in the beauty and wellness industry, as it’s not only a beauty tool but also a wellness tool that benefits both aspects holistically.
Kansa wand is a small domed tool used to massage the face and body, energizing while reducing stress. Kansa is the healing metal in Ayurveda - a mixture of Copper and Tin. In Ayurvedic Medicine, the Kansa wand is cherished because it is said to balance the three Doshas,
There are three doshas in ancient Indian traditional medicine namely Kapha (Water), Vata (Air), and Pitta (Fire).
Doshas are energies in the body, and their alignment is key in influencing overall health. This holistic practice of harmonizing the mind and body is something that has been tried, proven, and true for thousands of years in Ayurveda to boost energy and healing.
Composed of earth and water, Kapha is our grounding dosha.
In the body, Kapha controls our stability and structure, proper development of the body, lubricating the joints, keeping our immune system healthy, and our energy levels are governed by Kapha.
Someone with a Kapha imbalance, would feel easily depressed, stuck, unable to change. They can easily suffer from weight gain, fluid retention, and have excess liquid in the body that comes out as mucous, a wet cough, runny nose, or chest congestion.
Kapha imbalance? Focus on movement especially 6-10 am and incorporating more spices into your diet.
Vata is the movement dosha and is represented by air.
It controls all movements in the body including chewing, nerve impulses, breathing, muscle movements, urination/bowel movements, and menstruation are all controlled by Vata.
Ayurveda gives great importance to seasonal changes because it’s a science that is built on circadian rhythms. Vata season is officially here and this is a period of transition and to know and live Ayurveda means you are supported our bodies’ need to stay in tune with nature’s intelligence.
Vata holds the energy of air and ether (space) elements and governs movement, coordination of thought, nerve impulses, breathing, pulsation of the heart, creativity, and flexibility.
Pitta is our fiery dosha. In the body, pitta controls transformation.
Metabolism, digestion, sensory perception, temperature, and our discrimination of right and wrong are all controlled by pitta.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
How to know if you have too much pitta? Heat coming from the body.
- If you are easily angered and irritable,
- If you have heat coming from your skin in the form of acne, rashes, skin irritations
- If you have ulcers or acid reflux
Over centuries, the practice of Ayurvedic wellness has proven to result in a more rejuvenated body, mind and spirit, thus nurturing mindfulness and stronger immunity.
Heal with us at Kansa Organics!